Monday, July 20, 2015

In the Swim II

Yes; two days running, well, two days in a row, well actually not running or rowing, but over the space of 25 hours from Sunday 2pm to Monday 3pm your bloggster has twice swum in the HCC Pool - and without much preparation (well, ok, two years in gestation) has done the equivalent of average 15.5 full laps of 50m on each occasion.

Today's effort, with the Sport Bag, lightened by rational rejection of unnnecessary clean underpants etc, I tapped the youthful Jasonovic at the office, known as a lunch time swimmer, and invited myself along when next he goes.

Turns out the Jasonovic was going today after lunch time: work through lunch and go to the pool after it has been cleared of lunchtime detritus. So I jumped into his bus and we hooted down Macquarie St, pulled on the togs and we were in the water for 25 minutes and scored the full 16 laps.

Next time I'll aim for 20 laps.

Over and out.


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