Sunday, July 19, 2015

Health Kick III

Re kick starting the health kick Part III. This must be the reality of this inventiion. Either we are committed, and the decisions make themselves, or we have to keep re-visiting to review default.

So; reluctant to look back at how much personal physical inactivity there has been, let's just accept there has been some. Or an absence of activity.

The cruel sharp winter has fed a need to hide under the blankets.  But reality is obvious.

These are the personal neglects which have stayed with me.  Food and wine, beer, and inactivity.  It is OK to try to feed one's head, but the body must not be permitted to be weak. Weaker than it would otherwise be.

Human fat gradually settles around part of the body generally unaccustomed to it. Tops of arms. Across shoulders, under arm pits, of course - across the belly, around the top of the legs. Then it seems evident in more profile areas: knee caps, eyebrows, where the spectacles cling to the side of the face, the back of the neck.

At the same time, the muscles must be getting less strong. They keep their bulk but the part which was hard and strong, which felt no pain, the is replaced by turgid loose substance.

Thus, we are here in July 2015. Having suffered 2 months of extreme cold, and avoided outdoor activity.

Today was the day.

But what we know (and I use the royal plural to avoid detection and to reflect that it isn't just me in this game) is that the temptation to continue in somnalescence is dangerous.

With this in mind I started, today. My plan was to overcome inertia and get to the pool and do a reasonable amount of laps. The usual good number is 20 of 50m.  I didn't expect that today.

But the delay in getting going, finding the bag, filling it with irrelevant things, working out how to get there.

So, here was the formula and the success;

I bought a new pair of Zoggs on the net, and they arrived 10 days ago. They fit beautifully on the face, and don't let water in.

I still have the old swimming trunks. And they fit (probably because they get looser).

What else is needed?

Bike to the pool. Luckily the bike is in tip top shape, again, unused for 2 or 4 months. So just hopping on it is the important thing.

Today's exercise went like this:

Plan to do it. Avoid doing it.  Finally, at 2pm, don't change clothes but just hop on the bike. Backpack on, ride up Sandy Bay Road, through the city, up to the pool.

Pay the $7.50 to get in. The $2 for the safety deposit box for gear.

Put on the trunks. The goggles. Drop in the water. Calm and warm.

Start swimming - only 25m pool. Do 4 laps without blinking. Then stop to catch breath.

Do one or 2 laps at a time and stop. Catch breath. 4 laps, 6, 8, 10. That is only 5 of the big ones. Discuss with self whether we are aiming at 20 big laps. Maybe not. 12. 14, 16. Rest. Can do another 2 plus 2 and we have 20.  20 is only 10 big laps. Let's not do 20 bigs lap equivalents, but let's do 15 big lap equivalents. That is 30 of the 25 m ones.

OK; rest. Lucky, the goggles are great, so it is entirely comfortable.  22. 24, 26.  Only 4 more to do. Rest.

I have the lane to myself. Sunday afternoon in the slow lane. I dont' feel any rush to finish in one hour. Within 2 hours is fine.

Do the last 4 as freestyle, not frog paddle. Some frog paddle is good along the way, it isn't easier, but feels like it is.

So; 30 short equals 15 large; done!

How does it fell?

Mentally - good to be back on the horse. Physically I knew the breath would be lax, and looked forward to feeling the stretch in the legs and arms and across the chest. It is good.

What I know from that is that it will be better each time, it will build on itself.  Some strength will come to the arms and legs, and they will be stronger and the muscle will hold the joints apart - comfort. Ability to feel comfortable in movement, at rest.

So; back on the trusty/rusty bike outside and ride comfortably through town, and down the bay.

But before that, the comfort of a shower, clean the body, the hair, use the materials in the back pack to 'pamper' - just soap and tea tree oil (I think that good for my scalp). Dry off, and dress.

Thus the habit is started. It needs two weeks of 3 times a week, morning or night, it matters not. Aim to do minimum 15 big laps, but get to 20 within that time. Don't worry about time, or even breaks. Build up the strength and perseverence by just doing it.

Also, the advantage is that when planning for exercise, and when having done it, there is reluctance to overindulge in food, and wine.

Here we are then. See if my next report says "2nd time this week", or "now it is 6 in two weeks" - and look for the report on the feeling of benefit within the muscles and the internal system.

Love: me.

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